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Voyzu Shared Contacts Manager for Google Workspace has a free version, allowing you to share up to 30 contacts with up to 3 users, and a subscription based plan that costs $10 USD per month per domain, plus 17c per active user per month which allows sharing up to 10,000 contacts across 300 users. Higher volume plans are also available. You can view full pricing details on the pricing page
Yes email support is available for both the free and paid versions by contacting us.
No. However we do offer another software product for this purpose - Voyzu Contacts Directory If you purchase a subscription to Voyzu Shared Contacts Manager we also include a subscription to Voyzu Contacts Directory at no charge. You can find more information on the difference between shared contacts and directory contacts here
Upgrade Voyzu when you are logged in to the Voyzu web app. Click on the blue 'subscribe' link at the top of the start page, or navigate to 'My Account'
The short answer is that Google does not have this functionality, and relies on third party products (such as this one) to add shared contact management functions.
Shared contacts are regular Google contacts that Voyzu enables you to share with others in your organization. These contacts can be edited from within Google contacts. Directory contacts on the other hand are a domain-wide list of read only contacts. Only domain adninistrators can manage Directory contacts, using a third party tool such as Voyzu. See this help page for a full explanation.
You will find that changes a user makes to a contact will show for all other users within 15 minutes. Domains with a large number of users may find changes slightly slower to syncronize accross all users. See this page for Frequently Asked Quesions about shared contacts
We would love you to :) Please contact us and tell us what you would like to see.
The person who installed voyzu for the Google Workspace domain is referred to as the "Voyzu G Suite administrator". This person will receive voyzu product and service related email communications. If you are not sure if you are the voyzu Google Workspace administrator or you want to change voyzu administators then please contact us

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Install from Google Workspace Marketplace

You must be a Google Workspace administrator to install Voyzu Shared Contacts Manager for Google Workspace. If you are not a domain administrator please ask your domain admin to install voyzu from the Google Workspace marketplace